martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Never give up

I've always thought that you shouldn't cry for someone until they have died. If not, it's like being defeated before the war has ended, and I hate that kind of losers: those who don't fight right to the end; those who surrender and are unable to encourage the real sufferer.

Going on is not easy at all, but when you aren't alone it becomes less hard. You feel stronger if someone you love is by your side, and whether you feel strong you are strong. That's why people in pain need fighters around them. They can be the strength that they have lost and they now need.

Do you feel dispirited? Do you really think you are depressed? I don't think you even have the right to feel like that when it is somebody else who's fighting for survival. Don't be selfish. If someone you really love is in trouble, just swallow your little pain and try to reduce theirs. They have to know that they shall never give up, and maybe you're the one who can let him know.